HIP Housing recognizes our role in providing essential services and remains committed to helping people with their housing needs. Our offices are closed to visitors at this time but we are working remotely and continue to provide housing assistance to our clients.
We are adapting our services to meet your needs during the Shelter in Place Order. Our Home Sharing is now offer appointments online! If you have questions or would like to speak to our Home Sharing or Self-Sufficiency staff member, please call 650-348-6660 and leave a message or fill out the Inquiry Form below to schedule an appointment. A staff member will respond to your inquiry shortly. Thank you!
To speak to our Property Development and Management staff members, please call 650-348-6820.
Rental and utility payment assistance
If you have lost your job and need help to pay your rent or utility bills, call the CORE centers:
For East Palo Alto or Menlo Park, call Samaritan House at (650) 294-4312.
For Redwood City and North Fair Oaks, apply online at tinyurl.com/rwcrentasstnc or call the Fair Oaks Community Center at (650) 780-7500.
For San Mateo, call Samaritan House at (650) 347-3648.
For Pacifica, call the Pacifica Resource Center at 650-738-7470
For Brisbane, San Bruno, & South San Francisco, call the Community Resource Center of the YMCA at (650) 276-4101. M-F, 8-11am & 1-4pm. W, 8am-12pm.
For Daly City and Colma, call the Daly City Community Service Center at (650) 991-8007. M-F, 8:30am-12:00pm and 1:00-4:30pm. Th from 1-4pm.
Community Legal Services in East Palo Alto – Rescue Housing Fund provides rental assistance, especially for undocumented persons. Call (650) 326-6440.
St. Vincent de Paul – provides rental payment assistance for sublessees and others. Must be referred by one of the CORE centers listed above.
StarVista Differential Response Line – provides resources and referrals to families. Call (650) 489-2097
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) – provides Flexible Payment Plans and moratorium on service disconnections for non-payment and waive deposit requirements for residential and commercial customers. Call (800) 743-5000.
PG&E Medical Baseline Program – reduces your energy bill and gives you advanced notice about Public Safety Power Shutoffs to residential customers who have special energy needs due to medical conditions. Visit https://tinyurl.com/medbaseline or call (800) 743-5000
Legal Aid at Work – Click Relief Funds For Undocumented Workers in California or visit Legal Aid at Work
Peninsula Family Service Lending Circle – provides no interest personal loans for expenses and to build credit. Call (650)-403-4300
Emergency Fund for San Mateo Community College District Students – Contact the Financial Aid office at your campus
For Cañada College, call (650) 306-3307 M & Th, 8am-4:30pm, T & W, 8am-7pm, F, 8am-12pm
For College of San Mateo, call (650) 574-6146 M-F, 8am-4pm
For Skyline College, call 650.738.4236 M-Th, 8am-6:30pm, F, 8am-12pm
Peninsula Health Care District – COVID-19 Relief Fund for non-profits peninsulahealthcaredistrict.org/
San Mateo County Immigrant Families Fund – No longer accepting pre-applications. Stay tuned for new financial recovery programs to help immigrant families. Apply at missionassetfund.org/immigrant-families-grant/
United Way Bay Area Renter Relief Fund – Contact Sparkpoint centers at the Cañada College, College of San Mateo (CSM), or Skyline College. Sparkpoint is not accepting external referrals for its rental assistance program as funding is very limited.
Chronicle Season of Sharing – provides grants for temporary assistance. Call 650-738-7470 or visit seasonofsharing.org/for-those-in-need/
Mortgage payment assistance
As of Tuesday, March 25, 2020, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, U.S. Bank, and Wells Fargo Bank offer 90-Day Mortgage Payment Relief.
Wells Fargo Bank has waived late fees for March and April for mortgage and home equity loans. For payment assistance, Contact Mortgage Loan Servicing at (866) 234-8271. M-F from 4 AM to 8 PM, & on Saturday from 6 AM to 12 PM
JP Morgan Chase Bank: For mortgage payment assistance visit chase.com/digital/resources/coronavirus/mortgage or call (800) 848-9380.
US Bank: Visit mortgage.usbank.com or call 888-287-7817 and select #2.
Citibank: Visit citi.com or call (CENLAR) at (855) 839-6253. M-F, 5:30am-5:00pm PT. Sat, 5:30am-2pm PT & Sun, temporary hours 9am-1pm PT
Financial Advice
Mission Asset Fund – Apply online at https://www.missionassetfund.org/coronavirus-rapid-response/
Project Sentinel – For financial counseling call (408) 720-9888 or visit https://www.housing.org/
Hospitality Industry
Another Round, Another Rally – Hospitality industry employees can Apply for $500 relief grants at anotherroundanotherrally.org
Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation –Emergency assistance restaurant or bar employees. Apply at restaurantworkerscf.org
US Bartenders’ Guild National Charity Foundation – Bartender Emergency Assistance Program. Apply at usbgfoundation.org/
Resident Checks
South San Francisco Community Volunteer Corps Assistance – if you are a resident who is self-isolating and at-risk and you need help with getting to the doctor and picking up medicine, complete the Resident Help Form or call Sheri Boles at sheri.boles@ssf.net or (650) 829-6680.
Medical Services
Redwood City (RWC) and San Mateo (SM) Free Clinics are open on a limited basis for essential medical services. Please contact RWC at (650) 839-1447 or SM at (650) 578-0400. Non-essential medical or dental services are not open at this time.
CoveredCalifornia – provides healthcare coverage. Sign up through June 30. All medically necessary screening and testing for COVID-19 is free, and all health plans available through Medi-Cal and Covered California offer telehealth options. For more information, click here (tinyurl.com/covdca6-2020).
Coronavirus Test Finder – Find out how to get tested for COVID-19. Visit tinyurl.com/covdtstg
Health Care for the Uninsured – If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms but do not have insurance, review the San Mateo County Health Departments guidelines. https://www.smchealth.org/post/if-you-have-symptoms-covid-19-dont-have-health-insurance or call (650) 573-2222
Mental Health Services
San Mateo County Crisis Hotline: 1-650-579-0350
Santa Clara County Crisis Hotline: 1-855-278-4204
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
US Department of Health and Human Services National Disaster Distress Helpline: Call 1-800-985-5990 (multi-lingual)
Crisis Text Line: Text “HOME” to 741741
SMC Alert – For information about the Coronavirus COVID-19 call 2-1-1 smchealth.org/coronavirus or text “coronavirus to 2-1-1 2-1-1
Food Services and Food Banks –
A number of organizations have modified their services during the Shelter in Place Order. We have learned about the following resources for you.
Boys and Girls Club of the Peninsula – provides meals M-F, 6-7 pm at the Redwood City and East Palo Alto Clubhouses. Call (650) 646-6140. Provides produce and non-perishable food on F, 6-7 pm at EPA Clubhouse. Provides grocery boxes on W, 6-7 pm at RWC Clubhouse.
Cassia House – serves food to anyone on Sun, 1:30-3:00 at 420 Cassia St. Redwood City
Daly City Community Center – drive through food distribution on the 2nd and 4th Monday at 9:30am. Please Bring Cart if walking. Food Pantry open during business hours. Please call (650) 991-8007 before coming.
Expensify.org – reimburse you up to $50 for essential goods and groceries purchased on your SNAP card. Visit Expensify.org
Ecumenical Hunger Program – EHP has suspended Wednesday and Friday hot lunch programs until further notice. The Wednesday night hot meal program at St. Francis of Assisi Church in East Palo Alto will continue operating for take-out meals only during the Shelter in Place Order. The address is 1426 Bay Road, East Palo Alto. Tel. (650) 322-2152.
Facebook Community Mobile Market – Sells fresh, quality produce at affordable prices on select days at Belle Haven Library – 9am-12pm & YMCA East Palo Alto – 1-2pm. communitymobilemarketorders.com or (650) 781-6622
Fair Oaks Community Center –provides emergency food for pick-up M-F, 3-5pm at 2600 Middlefield Rd. Redwood City
Great Plates Delivered Program – delivers 3 free meals a day to older adults at home. Call 1-800-675-8437. Available until 7/10/20
Padua Dining Room – provides food to anyone M-Sat, 11am- 1pm (curbside only)
The South Palo Alto Food Closet – the food closet is closed due to the Shelter in Place Order. Check for updates on www.southpaloaltofoodcloset.com or email southpaloaltofoodcloset@gmail.com
School Closure Meal Sites
School Closure Meal Sites google spreadsheet courtesy of Boys and Girls Club of Peninsula or call the Food Connection Hotline (800) 984-3663
Streetlife Ministries – Provides food to-go and hygiene kits M, 7:30pm in Palo Alto, M & W, 7:30 pm in Redwood City, T & TH, 7:30pm in Menlo Park.
Meals on Wheels – this program provides hot meals for those who are 60 years or older and live in San Mateo County. Additional eligibility factors include being homebound or needing help leaving your home, being unable to prepare meals or shop for yourself, a recent hospital stay or ongoing health problems, or primarily living alone. Please call (650) 323-2022 for more information or to arrange for services.
City of East Palo Alto Senior Center – the Senior Center will be closed until further notice. However, support services for the senior lunch program will be in place and meals will be delivered to seniors’ homes. Contact them to sign up at (650) 329-5900.
Samaritan House
Dining Room at the Masonic Hall in San Mateo will provide only takeout meals. (These meals will available for pick up from the Samaritan House vehicle outside of the Masonic Hall)
Food Pharmacies at San Mateo and Redwood City Clinics remain open to regular patients. (These items will be pre-packed for pick up).
Food Pantry in San Mateo is open, but all food will be pre-packaged. Call (650) 347-3648.
Samaritan House Mobile Meals – provides meals to homebound seniors and folks with disabilities. The program will continue during the Shelter in Place Order as long as Samaritan House has drivers. They do not make contact with clients. Call (650) 294-4312 if you are in East Palo Alto or Menlo Park. Call (650) 347-3648 if you are in San Mateo.
Grocery Help
VOCA – offers Covid Assist, an online platform to connect those in need of assistance with volunteers who can help. Sign up for assistance to volunteer at covidassist.org
Salvation Army – provides pre-bagged food M-TH, 9am-12pm at 660 Veterans Blvd. Redwood City, CA
San Bruno Community Foundation – provides help with groceries and other assistance to elderly, homebound, or at-risk San Bruno residents. Contact at community@sbcf.org or (650) 826-3182.
Second Harvest Food Bank of Silicon Valley – located at 1051 Bing Street, San Carlos. Tel. (650) 610-0808. Hours 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. Pre-packaged groceries are available.
Saint Francis Center Grocery Program – located at 151 Buckingham Avenue, Redwood City, Tel. (650) 365-7829. Pick up 3 bags of pre-packaged groceries. Hours: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm (but they are opening at noon due to high demand), Monday through Friday.
Special Shopping Hours: Redwood City – tinyurl.com/rwcshppghrs
Veterans Memorial Senior Center – provides senior lunch M-F from 11am-1pm. Call (650) 780-7259 to make a reservation for curbside pick-up or home delivery in Redwood City.
Translation and Technological Support
Partners In Communication LLC – Video Remote Sign Language Interpreters partners@partnersincommunicationllc.com or
Redwood City Public Library – Check-out WiFi Hot Spot for 3 weeks using your library card. Get a card at https://www.redwoodcity.org/departments/library/services/get-a-card
San Mateo County Library Tech Café – Library staff walkthrough technology tools online and answer questions via text. Register in advance at https://smcl.bibliocommons.com/events/search/q=tech%20caf%C3%A9
City of South San Francisco Community Learning Center – City residents may make an appointment to use a computer by calling (650) 877-8540 or emailing clc@ssf.net.
Employment Resources
Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) – provides assistance to business owners, the self-employed, independent contractors, those with limited work history, & others not eligible for UI affected by COVID-19. For more info, visit tinyurl.com/eddpua
Unemployment Assistance – The unemployed, employees, & independent contractors can apply at edd.ca.gov/
Onward California – matches unemployed Californians with critical jobs available statewide. Sign-up at onwardca.org
CareerOneStop – search for jobs and job training at careeronestop.org/
Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) grant and loan program – Independent contractors, freelancers, and gig workers may receive a $1,000 grant, small businesses & agribusinesses may receive <$10,000 or business loans <$2 million. Apply online at covid19relief.sba.gov/#/
Business Resources
SAMCEDA – find small business resources at samceda.org/COVID-19-Resource-Links-Business
Small Business Administration Loans – Apply at sba.gov/coronavirus or email Julieclowes@sba.gov
Housing Resources
COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act of 2020 flyer
Emergency Rental Assistance Program flyer
CANDO ADU helps East Palo Alto homeowners get accessory dwelling units (ADUs). Contact CANDO ADU at adu@epacando.org or call (650) 473-9838.
Tenant, Homeowner, and Small Landlord Relief and Stabilization Act of 2020
AB 3088 and County Eviction Moratorium Calendar (Right click, copy link address, and paste link into browser)
AB 3088 – Behind on Rent Due to COVID-19?(Right click, copy link address, and paste link into browser)
AB 3088 – ¿Está Usted Atrasado con la Renta Debido al COVID-19? (Right click, copy link address, and paste link into browser)
Temporary, Countywide Moratorium On Eviction For Non-Payment Of Rent By Residential Tenants Directly Impacted By The Covid-19 Pandemic until August 31, 2020 – Resolution (https://tinyurl.com/covidresojul), Regulations (tinyurl.com/covidregs), Frequently Asked Questions (tinyurl.com/covidresofaqs)
Project Sentinel – provides education about fair housing laws, tenant-landlord mediation, & housing counseling. Call (408) 720-9888, email info@housing.org or visit housing.org
Community Legal Services in East Palo Alto – programs include Economic Advancement, Housing, and Immigration Services. Call 650-326-6440 or visit clsepa.org/
Housing Authority of the County of San Mateo – Apply for affordable and Section 8 housing at mysmchousing.com. Instructions to create an account at tinyurl.com/createanacct
County of San Mateo Alternative Care Site – Alternative care site located at a hotel in Burlingame for residents who test positivie for COVID-19 and do not have a safe place to self-isolate. Call 2-1-1.
Bayfront Station – provides temporary shelter in a Peninsula hotel to houseless individuals who do not have COVID-19 symptoms. Contact a Core Service Agenct at hsa.smcgov.org/core-service-agencies-emergency-safety-net-assistance
Housing Industry Foundation – the Affordable Housing Initiative matches qualified applicants to affordable housing. Apply at tinyurl.com/HIFhousing
Transportation Resources
Peninsula Volunteers – Transportation Hotline ride from your home to Little House, the doctor, dentist, or grocery store. Call 650-272-5040. For more info., visit penvol.org/littlehouse/transportation/
Clipper Start Program – receive a 50% discount on Caltrain, Muni, and Golden Gate Transit and Ferry or a 20% discount on BART. Visit clipperstartcard.com/s/ or call 855-614-9149
Childcare Resources
Parent-Powered Solutions initiative – provides quick tips about child care to families through their trusted communities. Visit communityequitycollaborative.org/parent-powered-solutions.html
Child Care Coordinating Council of San Mateo County – helps parents and providers access affordable child care. Visit sanmateo4cs.org/covid-19-resources-reorg/ or call (650) 517-1400
San Mateo County Child Care Relief Fund – Grants of $10,000 for family child care homes and $55,000 for child care centers available beginning August 24 until September 4. Apply at bit.ly/SMC_ChildCareRelief.
Additional Resources
COVID-19 Resource List (tinyurl.com/aacrecovid) Initiated by Asian Americans for Civil Rights and Equality (aacre.org/)
Page last updated on 7/30/20. Please note that some resources listed on this page may no longer be available.