Partnership Opportunities

HIP Housing has built an affordable housing portfolio by partnering with the public, private and nonprofit sectors in creative and innovative ways. If you have a partnership idea or opportunity, please contact: Kate Comfort Harr at (650) 348-6660

By |2019-10-23T14:07:03-07:00October 18th, 2019|Developers and Property Owners Only|Comments Off on Partnership Opportunities

3rd Party Property Management

HIP Housing offers full-service property management services for affordable housing owners through its nonprofit affiliate, HIP Housing Affordable Ventures, Inc. (HHAV). Our management portfolio consists of affordable housing that has been financed using the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program, Multi-family Housing Program, the Section 8 voucher, and Project-Based programs as well as using [...]

By |2024-11-07T16:10:22-08:00October 18th, 2019|Developers and Property Owners Only|Comments Off on 3rd Party Property Management

BMR Compliance Services

BMR housing, also known as inclusionary housing refers to units in market rate buildings that are required by local municipalities to be rented to low-income tenants at below market rents. When market rate property management companies lack the interest or experience in managing such tenancies, HIP Housing can help. HIP Housing Affordable Ventures (HHAV) is [...]

By |2023-08-08T16:37:05-07:00October 18th, 2019|Developers and Property Owners Only|Comments Off on BMR Compliance Services
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