Cheers to 50 Years!
From our February 2022 newsletter
This year, HIP Housing celebrates its 50th anniversary. Founded in August 1972, we have grown from a small nonprofit of 10 people operating out of an office at a local bank, to a premier San Mateo County affordable housing agency with two offices and more than 40 staff.

Home Sharing Coordinator Rita Albert (right) with the HIP Housing outreach van back in the day!
“It’s wonderful to see how far we’ve come!” says Lois Almen Everett, HIP Housing’s founder. “From a $20,000 grant to start our Home Sharing Program, to a staff of more than 40, HIP Housing has surpassed my wildest dreams. And there is still a lot left to do!”
Every year, our agency serves more than 1,200 people in need of affordable housing in San Mateo County through our Home Sharing Program, Self Sufficiency Program, and Property Management Division…and we continue to grow! Our property management team recently added Affordable and Inclusionary Housing Compliance Services, to serve property owners and developers require to include below market units in their developments. Our Self Sufficiency Program’s new Nurturing Fathers Initiative is up and running, and we hope to launch a new Information and Referral Services Program later this year.
“We are so proud to reach our 50th year milestone!” says Kate Comfort Harr, HIP Housing’s Executive Director. “Our work has helped tens of thousands of people to live healthier, more independent lives by creating affordable housing opportunities in our County. While we look to the past to celebrate, I am so excited about everything we have coming next!”
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