HIP Housing Memories
February 2022
HIP Housing is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, and we will be gathering and sharing stories, memories, and photos throughout 2022 from HIP Housing founders, staff, and supporters.
This month, we celebrate the 30th work anniversary of Laura Fanucchi, HIP Housing’s Director of Programs. Below are some of our favorite memories of Laura:

Laura Fanucchi, HIP Housing’s Director of Programs.
One of my favorite memories is when Laura and I teamed up to plan our Flamingo Coffee Chat. We both had so much fun in creating our activity and choosing the event details. I really loved being able to partner with Laura and do something not work-related. Laura is definitely our team champ! — Esperanza Jacuinde, North County Home Sharing Coordinator
Laura and I have made a lot of memories over the years, but the few that stick out have to do with our birthdays being one day apart. During my very first year at HIP Housing, Laura wrote me a “Virgo birthday” note with very nice flowers and it made me smile. It’s always cool to have another Virgo in the birthday club to celebrate! Laura’s devotion to HIP Housing and her dedication to all the clients we serve, has been one of a kind. Happy 30th at HIP! — Regina Greissinger, Self Sufficiency Program Administrative Manager
Laura is always so thoughtful and caring! You know those days when you’re on autopilot? Well, that happened to me when I was pregnant with my first child. I didn’t think much of it when Laura asked me to go to Edgewater Isle (one of HIP Housing’s senior properties) to pick up something during lunch. But OMG, I was completely surprised when I got there and realized it was a surprise baby shower. I was brought to tears and it really touched my heart. I know it was a group effort putting the shower together, but I especially remember that it was Laura who brought me there and she does this all the time, with so many loving and kind ways she shows us all that she cares. Thank you, Laura, for being so wonderfully special with the most unbelievably BIG heart! We love you :-) — Shirley Suprapto, Self Sufficiency Program Director
Laura is my numbers guru. Anytime I’ve needed a number in order to write a convincing grant proposal, no matter how short of a turnaround time I have, Laura always comes through…although it sometimes takes us a bit to puzzle out what exactly the instructions are asking for! — Katherine Goodman, Development Officer
I love the chats Laura and I have about sports, tennis in particular. One day, I was sharing how I went to 4 or 5 different courts to try to play with my girls. Laura told me to just give her a heads up if I was having difficulties, as she has access to a court she’d love the girls and I to use :-) — James Simmons, Client Services Manager
Laura is very organized, detail-oriented, professional, and responsible. I love the pineapple cakes Laura makes, they’re so tasty! I love the sunflowers from Laura, too, they brighten my day. — Jessie Huang, Senior Accountant
My favorite memory of Laura is when I first met her, as a young college student. It was my first college experience and I was very nervous, but Laura made me feel comfortable and was very welcoming. I was really impressed by Laura’s work ethic and dedication to the agency. I still am. — Dania Delgadillo, Coastside Home Sharing Coordinator
My favorite memory of Laura is when she joined me in giving out holiday raffle prizes during COVID, and we had such a giggle each time a

Suyin Nichols and Laura Fanucchi at a HIP Housing event.
resident thought that the wooden pedestal I brought from home to provide a socially-distanced way of delivering the prizes, was the prize itself. Many tried to take it into their apartment, and we had to explain to them that the prize was the gift bag on top! — Suyin Nichols, Resident Services Coordinator
I want to say that Laura is the most cheerful woman when it comes to baseball season — GO GIANTS! The last retreat we had at the Giants stadium was so much fun! I love Laura’s energy and her passion for her job, and she is the sweetest person ever. Go Laura! Happy 30th anniversary! — Marcy Zamora, Accounting Clerical
During my first year at HIP, I always knew Laura as our soft-spoken, quiet, and sweet Associate Director. Little did I know that she’s into sports and she competes and WOW! I wish to watch her play and listen to the sound she makes when she hits the tennis ball :-) — Dinah Santos, Staff Accountant
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