HIP Housing Memories: January 2022

HIP Housing Memories

 January 2022

HIP Housing is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, and we will be gathering and sharing stories, memories, and photos throughout 2022 from HIP Housing founders, staff, and supporters.

Our first HIP Housing memory comes from Laura Fanucchi, our Director of Programs, who will celebrate 30 years of working at our agency in February 2022:

HIP Housing staff photo 1980's

A photo from our archives: HIP Housing staff stand in front of the outreach van.  Founder Lois Almen Everett is on the far right.

HHDC (HIP Housing Development Corporation) used to be named HAND (Housing Association for the Needy and Dispossessed) – what a name! At the time, none of us knew how to remember “HAND” or what the acronym stood for.  One day, when we were still at our 364 South Railroad office location, Lois Everett, with all her theatrical energy, came out of her office at the top of the stairs and asked everyone downstairs to gather around.  As she stood at the top of the stairs, she excitedly said: “I know how we’re going to remember ‘HAND’! You will just put your ‘HAND’ on your ‘HIP’ and that’s how we’ll remember it.” I thought to myself: Only Lois would come up with something so creative!

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