Page 10 - HIP Housing Impact Report 2016-2017
P. 10

Overall Financial Income & Expenses

               SUPPORT AND REVENUE
               Government Grants                                    $     498,583                   13.07%
               Foundation and Corporate Grants                            607,104                   15.91%
               Individual Contributions                                   204,249                    5.35%
               Special Events Revenue                                     171,580                    4.50%
               Support from Properties (Surplus Cash)                     525,567                    8.83%
               Support from Properties (Surplus Cash. One time only)      188,533                    4.94%
               Income from Properties Operations                        1,767,391                   46.31%
               Interest & Investment Account                                6,065                    0.16%
               Other Income                                                35,497                    0.93%
               Total Support and Revenue                            $   3,816,036                    100%

               Programs                                             $   2,083,332                   75.39%
               Management and General                                     229,813                    8.32%
               Fundraising                                                450,335                   16.30%
                Total Expenses                                      $   2,763,480                    100%

                                Support and Revenue                                  Expenses

                          Government       Interest & Investment
                          Grants 13.07%    Account 0.16%                    Management      Fundraising
                 Foundation                              Other Income       and General     16.30%
                 and Corporate                           0.93%              8.32 %
                 Grants 15.91%
                 Individual                              Income from
                 Contributions                           Property
                 5.35%                                   Operations
                 Special Events                          Support from                                  Programs
                 Revenue 4.50%                           Properties                                    75.39%
                                                         (Surplus Cash.
                 Support from Properties                 One time only)
                 (Surplus Cash) 8.83%                    4.94%
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